The Beauty And Wellness Industries Are Interrelated
Wellness has always been a hot topic in India, and lately, people realise that beauty and fitness are interconnected. When you think of the aesthetics of the body, it is not just skin deep. It goes all the way to the core. Which is why the Indian beauty industry is booming. Read More about the smash in the wellness industry. The citizens of the nation recognize that wellness is more than just a fit body and a happy soul. It includes:
• Skin care
• Haircare
• Cosmetics
• Body fragrances
• And much more
Due to the massive demand in the segment, it had grown from a value of 250 crore in 2008 to 460 crores in 2016. Presently, the market value of the industry is around 80,000 crores as per a report by KPMG. The expansion rate is holding steady are 15 to 20 percent, which is two times more than the American and European market.
In a gist, the Indian beauty sector shows more promise than that of Europe or the U.S. The increase in the demand for beauty products has brought a significant development in the Spa industry too. There was a time when a salon and spa were considered as synonyms in India. Today, spas and therapy places are recognised as part of the wellness industry. Additionally, consumer behaviour has changed. People discern that spas are not just for women and applicable to people of all ages!
What Are The Latest Wellness Trends For 2019?
Knowing that the wellness and beauty industry is intermingling is one aspect. The other is grasping the trends that are dominating the dual sector. Here are some of them.
- There was a time in India when ayurvedic herbs were eaten commonly. These restorative tonics not only helped the health but also impact longevity. In the past years, their popularity dwindled. This year they are making a splash again and going mainstream. From Ashwagandha to holy basil to turmeric, these supplements are virtually everywhere. Known as adaptogens, they support health in myriads of ways.
- The consumer of today wants one pitstop where they can find everything. It is why the supermarkets boomed, and e-commerce sites are doing so well. Now the trend is moving towards the wellness industry too. When it comes to taking care of the body, individuals are looking for convenience. They would rather visit a place that offers holistic healing than move from one centre to another for all their needs.
- Workouts are for more than just the body. The millennial consumer wants to keep their soul in perfect working order too, which is why active meditation has become all the rage. While working on physical fitness, it also enhances the emotional wellbeing of the individual. The emotional, physical, and spiritual self is being taken care of.

Three More Trends In Wellness World
- There has been a surge of apps, devices, and tools that let a person monitor their screen time. The goal is to reduce mindlessly accessing social media. While at times it can be beneficial and even necessary, continually being plugged is counter-productive. To keep the mind healthy, people are becoming aware of how they consume content and how much of it. The objective is to avoid digital distractions as much as possible.
- The last trend in wellness is the return to a simpler world. For some time now, people have been obsessed with bio-hacking their health. They are now moving towards a simpler time where they enter the rewilding stage. This phase is all about getting in touch with the natural human state. They move, rest, and eat according to circadian rhythm and not when fitness monitors and apps tell them.
The logic is that everybody knows how to take care of itself, instinctively. There is no need for experts, fitness pandits, or technology to tell us how to do it, which is why there has been an emergence of organic communities of healing!